III Congreso Internacional de Coloproctología

Del 20 al 22 de octubre 2016 Hotel Paradisus Punta Cana [email protected] [email protected]
10th European Colorectal Congress (ECC) 2016 in St. Gallen

From 29 Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016. St.Gallen, Switzerland. [email protected]
XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Coloproctología

11 Congreso Uruguayo de Coloproctología 1er Congreso Internacional de Estomatología Del 2-5 de agosto, 2017 [email protected]
European Colorectal Congress 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, we inform you about the following congress for your congress calendar: European Colorectal Congress 2017 4 – 7 December 2017 St.Gallen Switzerland Topic: Spotlight on the rectum Congress website: www.colorectalsurgery.eu For a free mention in your congress calendar we thank you in advance. Medkongress AG Rorschacher Str. 311 […]

We would like to remind you that the deadline for Submitting your Abstracts is near.The EFR Scientific Committee welcomes your contribution until 24 March 2017. Abstracts are sought for •Poster presentations•Video sessions Even though we have defined thematic tracks, we are looking forward to receiving all contributions. Kindly refer to the Abstract Submission Guidelines […]